  • Bank Top, Lancaster Auction Mart, Wyrsedale Road, Lancaster LA1 3JQ

    01524 60006

  • Unit 2B, Rural Auction Centre, Crooklands, Kendal LA7 7FP

    015395 67899

  • 14 Long Lane, Sedbergh, Cumbria LA10 5AH

    015396 20335

Farm Gate Vets

Emergency and Out of hours

24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year
A vet is available for emergencies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days of the year.  This should provide you with the peace of mind that we are always there when you need us.

Calving problems

Calvings are seen as a priority by our practice and we will do everything we can to get a vet to your farm as quickly as possible.  Please call the practice sooner rather than later as success rates will be much higher if the cow is not too exhausted and the uterus has not dried out.  Typical reasons for calling the vet to a calving are: breaches, head back, twins, uterus twisted, large calf or ‘cow, just not getting on with the job’.

Uterine prolapses (‘calf bed out’)

Prolapsed uteri are true emergencies.  Cows can die of haemorrhage and shock.  It is important to call us immediately.  Ensure the cow is on her own and if possible keep the prolapse moist and clean; wrapping it an old, wet, clean sheet is ideal.


We are able to euthanise cattle by lethal injection.  We understand that the cost of euthanasia by a vet, often makes it uneconomical.  However if you are unable to get the knacker-man quickly and want to prevent suffering then we are able to assist.

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